Saturday, April 27, 2019

Salt and Bone - An End of an Age Story #2

Macfie woke late in the afternoon to a litany of curses coming from the garden. Stretching, he ambled out of the house to the back porch. Titch turned and, with disgust, pitched a holey cabbage towards the compost pile. “It’s those gods blasted pixies! Blast and damn them! I keep setting the copper lines around the cabbages, and the damned pixies steal it. Then the double-damned slugs get into the cabbages!” Titch threw his hat into the dirt and stomped for effect, punctuating his words with a hop and stomp. The man held in a laugh, knowing full-well that letting his mirth show was a sure way to send Titch into full-on meltdown. No one liked an enraged hobgoblin. Titch may be peaceable most of the time, but a hob was a hob, and hobs knew some creative ways to channel their anger if the mood catches them.

Salt and Bone - A End of An Age Story #1

He carried the buckets slowly back up the rocky trail. The seawater sloshed gently in each pail, syncopated to the huffs of breaths as the man pushed along. This was the third such trip he’d made, and the exertion was starting to show. The little cove he’d found wasn’t easily accessible, but it was the finest source of clean sea water he’d found on the little island. An almost pristine clam bed and other shelled friends cleaned the water scrupulously and the narrow inlet reduced the exchange with the broader sound, giving the cove a chance to create a clean little corner of the ocean. And, better still, it seemed to be an unknown little gem, evidenced by the overgrown rocky trail and lack of any signs of humans and their inevitable mess. Clean water was important for the man’s task.

Friday, April 26, 2019

The Lady At Home - A Reluctant Shaman Story

“Just breathe and listen to the metronome. Follow it’s rhythm and… “ 

Will’s voice hangs in the smoky air. The candles burning around us and the small brazier between us fills the air with fragrant wisps and makes everything feel closer. I sit crossed-legged in the circle he guided me to draw. I was going to travel. My first time. Will was scared, but was trying really hard to hide it. 

I breathe and focus my thoughts. He’s given me the images to hold to, the symbols and statements of intent I’ll need. I listen to his voice as he continues, offering guidance and providing a pattern to hold to. I breathe and let myself fall inward. 

The Rest Stop - An Adventurer Story

The man moved slowly, nursing a limp and the bandage around his left arm was showing the first blossom of red through it. The stretch of highway he found himself on was long abandoned, a relic from a heyday that was already gathering dust by the time his parents had been born. Grass grew along the shoulder, wetting the bottom of his pants with dew as he trudged along. The highway itself offered no easy path, as its surface was long cracked and tilted, with green pressing up through in a neverending effort to reclaim lands once tamed by man. The man shivered lightly, his torn shirt and jeans barely enough to keep him warm as the sun sunk below the treeline and nothing in his backpack that would offer much more protection. 

The Commission in the Woods - An Adventurer Story

Left right, left right, the music makes him sway as he moves through the forest. His earbuds snug in his ears pulsing his friend’s dance mix, the beat and harmonies giving him a soundtrack as he stalked silently through the woods. It created an aural cocoon around him, making the forest around him feel more foreboding. Sweat trickled down his back, adrenalin and fear warring against his focus and determination to focus on the music. Left right, left right, his shoulders swayed, his steps almost a dance as he moved to the music only he could hear.

Zombie - Snippet #1

The jungle was quiet. The rustle of the canopy was hushed. Then, with a thundering crash, the silence was broken. The man fell out of the jungle wall, torn and bleeding. Landing on his face, he slowly pushed himself up and kept moving. His eyes stared ahead not seeing anything.